Join the Arts Commission for an evening of
food, comedy and laughter! On Friday, Oct. 14,
the TesserAct Theatre Ensemble will present a
salute to Carol Burnett and the comedy of the
TV dinner era. This nostalgic production will
take place at the Village Hall. Doors open at
6 p.m. A buff et dinner starts at 6:30 p.m., followed
by classic Carol Burnett skits, as well as
hilarious scenes from TV’s golden age. Dinner
will include Italian beef, mostaccioli, baked
chicken, tossed salad, garlic bread, cookies, soft
drinks and coffee. The price is $15 per guest.
Reservations are required, as seating is limited.
Please save your spot by Monday, Oct. 10, by
calling Sue at 847-781-2606.